Student who pretends on participation in exchange programmes with partner university in frames of EU credit mobility programme “Erasmus+” (KA1) must present the following documents:
1. Filled and signed APPLICATION FORM (this document should be printed on both sides);
2. Copy of Student’s Card (student should ask in his/her Dean’s office about receiving this document):
- The average academic grade for all the period of study should not be less than 75 (by rating – component of academic success) including results of all the forms of semester control;
- Average grade should be filled by Dean’s office member and signed by academic mobility coordinator of the Faculty/Institute (coordinator should OBLIGATORY check the correctness of average grade counting);
3. Language Competence Certificate (The copy of certificate is accepted only if original document has been presented):
- If the obligatory presence of internationally recognised certificates (TOEFL, IELTS, TestDaf etc) is mentioned in the project information, only those certificate are accepted;
- In other cases, the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Certificate (English, German, French) is suitable;
4. The proof of achievements in scientific or research activity (publications, conferences, patents, competitions) – this point is not obligatory for students. Scientific activity provides extra points for student.
- The proof of such activity is the copy of title page of professional publishing, copy of contents page (first and last name of student with publication topic mentioned should be highlighted) and copy of printed publication itself (thesis or article).
5. Learning Agreement* with mentioned courses and volume of education work/number of ECTS credits. Minimum number of transferred credits is 15 ECTS.
- This document should be signed by academic mobility coordinator of the faculty/institute). Two copies of the document should be prepared.
* Guidelines on how to use LA for studies
Note 1. Bachelor students of first semester of the first year can not participate in competition.
Note 2. If two students have the equal competition points, the priority will be given to the student with higher average grade. The second criterion is the language competence.
PhD student
PhD student who pretends on participation in exchange programmes with partner university in frames of EU credit mobility programme “Erasmus+” (KA1) must present the following documents:
1. Filled and signed APPLICATION FORM (this document should be printed on both sides. Average grade for PhD shoul not be mentioned);
2. Language Competence Certificate (The copy of certificate is accepted only if original document has been presented):
- If the obligatory presence of internationally recognised certificates (TOEFL, IELTS, TestDaf etc) is mentioned in the project information, only those certificate are accepted;
- In other cases, the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Certificate (English, German, French) is suitable;
3. The proof of achievements in scientific or research activity (publications, conferences, patents, competitions) – it is obligatory to have minimum one thesis/article/patent etc.
- The proof of such activity is the copy of title page of professional publishing, copy of contents page (first and last name of student with publication topic mentioned should be highlighted) and copy of printed publication itself (thesis or article).
4. Learning Agreement* with mentioned courses and volume of education work/number of ECTS credits; or the research plan agreed with scientific supervisor, signed by academic mobility coordinator of the Faculty/Institute and agreed with receiving institution (if possible).
- This document should be signed in Doctoral office. Two copies of the document should be prepared.
5. For some projects, it is necessary to have the invitation letter from receiving partner university.
* Guidelines on how to use LA for studies
Note 3. If two PhD students have the equal competition points, the priority will be given to the PhD student, who has the Letter of support, the second criterion is the competition point for the scientific activity, the third criterion is the language competence.
Academic staff
Academic staff* who pretends on participation in exchange programmes with partner university in frames of EU credit mobility programme “Erasmus+” (KA1) must present the following documents:
1. Filled and signed APPLICATION FORM (this document should be printed on both sides);
2. Language Competence Certificate if present (the presence of internationally recognised language competence certificate provides extra competition points, but candidate has a right to mention his/her foreign language competence level by himself/herself in the Application Form);
3. Hardcopy of Academic Rating for 2018/2019 academic year;
4. Staff mobility agreement for training or Staff mobility agreement for teaching signed by the Head of the department and by receiving party, or List of Support from receiving partner university (only for those projects where such requirement exists; for all the other projects presence of this document provides extra competition points).
* staff for teaching (not less than 8 hours of lectures per week) or staff for training.
Note 4. If two academic staff have the equal competition points, the priority will be given to the academic staff, who has the Letter of support, the second criterion is the rate for the scientific activity of academic rating, the third criterion is the language competence.
The number of quotas for credit mobility projects for academic and administrative staff where provided the quota for staff for training should be divided equally if other division is not mentioned by the partner university.
In cases when one project has staff quota both for teaching and training, staff quota for teaching shall be divided between academic staff and staff quota for training shall be divided between administrative staff if other is not mentioned by the partner-university.
In case when the project has staff quota for training, its assignment shall be determined by the priority of the partner university.
Administrative staff
Administrative staff* who pretends on participation in exchange programmes with partner university in frames of EU credit mobility programme “Erasmus+” (KA1) must present the following documents:
1. Filled and signed APPLICATION FORM (this document should be printed on both sides);
2. Language Competence Certificate if present; (the presence of internationally recognised language competence certificate provides extra competition points, but candidate has a right to mention his/her foreign language competence level by himself/herself in the Application Form);
3. Staff mobility agreement for training* signed by the Head of the department or subdivision (obligatory for everybody) and receiving party (only for those projects where such requirement exists).
- The Letter of Support from receiving partner university provides extra competition points, except the projects where the presence of this document is obligatory.
*staff for training only!
Note 5. If two administrative staff have the equal competition points, the priority will be given to the administrative staff, who has the Letter of support, the second criterion is the rating point for the internship plan, the third criterion is the language competence.
The number of quotas for credit mobility projects for academic and administrative staff where provided the quota for staff for training should be divided equally if other division is not mentioned by the partner university.
In cases when one project has staff quota both for teaching and training, staff quota for teaching shall be divided between academic staff and staff quota for training shall be divided between administrative staff if other is not mentioned by the partner-university.
In case when the project has staff quota for training, its assignment shall be determined by the priority of the partner university.