University of Lorraine (Université de Lorraine) promotes innovation through the dialogue of knowledge, using the diversity and strength of scientific fields, seeks to promote knowledge transfer for the growth of innovation and overall economic growth, as well as the progress of basic science. As a university for the whole region, the University of Lorraine is a major driver of the region’s economic and social development, building on intercultural and age-related links, coordinating regional research policies and providing access to higher education to as many people as possible. The University of Lorraine offers curricula in all fields of knowledge: Research, Health, Technology, Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Management, Art, Literature and Language. Emphasis is placed on the intersection between knowledge and skills to help students develop their own vision.
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has long and actively cooperated with the Higher Mining School of Nancy and the Loria Laboratory, which are part of the University of Lorraine.

Funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union