Lodz University of Technology (Politechnika Łódzka) was founded in 1945. Initially, there were only 3 faculties. With the industrial development of Lodz, with the appearance of new factories, university also actively developed. Today the university has 9 faculties, 70 departments and 120 specialties. In 1992, the International Faculty of Engineering was opened, where education is conducted in English and French. Students can choose the language of instruction: Polish, English or French. The university has 10 dormitories, a library, sports sections, canteens, bank branches, academia, its own radio “Jacques” and student government.
Today, the Lodz University of Technology offers 33 scientific fields, including 120 specialties at 9 faculties. LUT offers a two-level system of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. The assessment system is based on the ECTS system, thanks to which students, if desired, can obtain two diplomas in different fields of study. Also within the ECTS programme to receive recognition of learning outcomes in universities abroad. Postgraduate and doctoral studies are open at almost all faculties.

Funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union