Cyprus University of Technology (ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ) is one of the three public universities in the Republic of Cyprus. CUT seeks to become a modern, innovative and internationally recognized university that will have an impact on the economic, technological and scientific sectors. Focusing mainly on applied research, the university seeks to play a role in supporting the state and society in their efforts to solve problems related to science and technology.
Cyprus University of Technology is already a member of 70 international and European organisations and supports bilateral agreements with universities in most European countries. In addition, with third-country universities, mainly in the Mediterranean region. CUT is also a member of EMUNI (Euro-Mediterranean University) Senate, Bologna Convention Promoter and currently collaborates with European programmes such as ERASMUS, TEMPUS, LLP.
If you have any questions, please contact the Academic Mobility Office by e-mail: academicmobilitykpi@gmail.com

Funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union