Project Description

“International Parliamentary Scholarship” is designed for talented young people who seek to actively work on the implementation of democratic values in their homeland. The German Bundestag gives such young people the opportunity to do an internship in the office of a member of the Bundestag to get directly acquainted with the parliamentary system and political decision-making processes in Germany, as well as to gain practical experience in parliamentary activities.
Requirements of the programme:
Cooperation with the deputy, support for meetings of committees, factions and other commissions;
Involvement in the deputy’s office;
Attending programmes and seminars organized by the Bundestag and political foundations;
Fellows are enrolled in Humboldt University for the summer semester, and can also attend lectures and seminars at the Free University of Berlin and the Technical University of Berlin;
Duration of internship – 5 months;
Monthly stipend of up to 500 euros per month, covers accommodation, insurance, flight.
Motivation letter;
Diploma of higher education;
Certificate of German language proficiency;
2 letters of recommendation;
Copy of passport.