Project Description

Merseburg University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1954 and was in status of the Karl Schorlemmer High Technical School until April 1, 1992.
Nowadays, Merseburg University of Applied Sciences is small but very prestigious University of applied sciences in Germany. It proposes 13 Bachelor and 10 Master Programmes as well as one retraining programme.
Double diploma programme
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and Merseburg University of Applied Sciences (Faculty of Computer Science and Communication Systems) agreed about the common research programme.
After the successful graduation from Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Ukrainian students receive the Bachelor Degree.
Faculty of Computer Science and Communication Systems (IКS) in Merseburg conducts the annual selection of students of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on one of the educational and research courses:
- Applied Informatics (BAIN)
- Electronics/Information Technologies (BEI)
- Technical Editing of Systems and Electronic Education (BTREL)
Universities’ curricula are agreed and coordinated.
Entrance to the Merseburg University of Applied Sciences
The entrance for the study in Merseburg University of Applied Sciences is realizing after the first year of study in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The courses are taught in German.
Each May, representative of Merseburg University of Applied Sciences comes to Kyiv to conduct testing of students on the competence in German language. The test consists of three parts – grammar, reading and speaking (interview).
If students will pass the test successfully, they receive the invitation from Merseburg University of Applied Sciences for the invitation that they submit to the Embassy of Germany in Ukraine for the visa registration.
Duration of the study and curriculum in Germany
Bachelor Degree programme lasts 6 semesters (3 years). Because some courses are equal on first two years of study in Merseburg University of Applied Sciences and Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, exists the possibility to transfer several grades (as Physics or Mathematics) and pass the programme during two years instead of three. Thus, students have the opportunity to finish the Bachelor Degree programme in both universities simultaneously.
After receiving the Bachelor Diploma in Merseburg University of Applied Sciences students can continue their education on the Master degree programme in Merseburg University of Applied Sciences or any other German university.
More details of curriculum of three proposed directions you could find on the website:
- Applied Informatics (BAIN) - Electronics/Information Technologies (BEI) - Technical Editing of Systems and Electronic Education (BTREL)
Funding and spends
The study in Merseburg University of Applied Sciences is free. Student should pay 50 EUR on the beginning of each semester. So the spends go only for the living. To register the visa in the Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine demand the opening the blocked account. This account should contain 8000 EUR – the sum than treated as the sufficient for one year of living in Germany. You should put this money into the account in the German bank so to have the further possibility to withdraw monthly for about 660 EUR.
Contact information
The coordinator of the programme at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is professor of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science – Yurii Kulakov.
The coordinator of the program at the host institution is Gabi Master