Project Description

Participation in the program provides an opportunity to gain valuable experience in the American scientific community; experience based on live communication “from person to person” and discussion exchange of views; experience that encourages not only to make comparisons and initiate changes in their own institutions / areas of activity / related industries, but also to become their active participants; experience that allows you to go beyond the local intellectual space through multi-act communication and work on joint projects with scientists and institutions of the United States, as well as other countries.
Eligible applicants:
Candidates of sciences, doctors of philosophy / doctors of arts, doctors of sciences;
Researchers without a scientific degree with a full higher education (specialist, master), with experience of research work of at least 7 years, with available publications in domestic and / or foreign (international) scientific professional publications;
Cultural and artistic figures, specialists in librarianship and museum affairs, journalists and public figures – with full higher education (specialist, master), work experience of at least 7 years, significant professional achievements, scientific achievements in the chosen field of research in domestic and / or foreign (international) professional scientific publications.
Description of the research project;
Bibliography for a research project;
3 letters of recommendation;
Invitation letter from the host party;
Additional form.