🔹 This innovative four-year fellowship programme based at the Justus Liebig University (JLU) fosters transdisciplinary dialogues between the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, life sciences and the arts. In 2024, two fellowships are awarded from April-June, and two others from September-November to explore PLANETARY TIMES.

🔹 To contribute to each year’s thematic focus, the Panel of Planetary Thinking seeks individuals who are willing to transgress disciplinary boundaries within and resulting from their advanced, academic and creative endeavours. Our fellows are expected to conceptualize workshops in a format of their own choosing, which may include a masterclass, an exhibition, or a performative activity.

📋 More information on the webpage
🕔 Application deadline: 01.09.2023
📍 Where: Online, required documents must be sent to the email panel@planet.uni-giessen.de

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