🔹 The University of Luxembourg has announced the availability of scholarships for students in a one or two-semester exchange. The scholarship consists in a monthly allowance of 500€ (for a duration of 5 or 10 months per academic year) as well as free accommodation in a student residence hall for the duration of the exchange.

🔹 The scholarship is available for candidates to any Bachelor or Master program at the University of Luxembourg open to exchange students. Further information on the study programs and the admission requirements for each program:
• Bachelor courses;
• Master courses.

📋 Information about application process of the scholarship on the webpage
🕔 Application deadline: 10.04.2021
📍 Where: Online, required documents should be sent to academicmobilitykpi@gmail.com

💭 Mobility in telegram | instagram  | facebook | website. Ask your question(s) via bot or send an email to academicmobilitykpi@gmail.com. Good luck!

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